Grass Types

Premium Park Blend

Premium Park Blend is a special mix of Bluegrass and Ryegrass that create the perfect grass for lawns, playgrounds, parks, and recreational areas. Its ideal growing height is 2-4 inches, needs frequent watering (varies depending on the time of season), mowing once a week once established, and fertilizing.

dura turf

Shade Blend

The Shade Blend is a mix of Creeping Red Fescue, ChipShot Perennial Ryegrass, ParkLand Kentucky Bluegrass, and Chewings Fescue. This blend thrives in dense shaded areas. Its ideal growing height is 2-4 inches, requires frequent watering (varies depending on the time of season), mowing once a week once established, and fertilizing.

Dura Turf is special blend of fescues that create a low maintenance, drought tolerant, natural blend of grass. If it is watered consistently, it will remain green and lush, and can be mowed to maintain a uniform appearance. It is bunch grass, so it will remain spacious. It can also thrive with very little watering as it is a similar blend to the natural grasses found in North Idaho. If allowed to flourish naturally, it can grow up to 8 inches, and will eventually fall down on itself. Due to its long roots (6 inches deep!), it is perfect for erosion, as the root system can hold the loose dirt together. Due to this it is often used in steep hills, and hard to reach places.

custom blends


Erosion Blend is a mix of Creeping Red Fescue, Hard Fescue, Canada Bluegrass, Annual Ryegrass and Sheep Fescue. These blends are designed to establish quickly with minimal maintenance. These blends bind deep roots into the soil, which will minimize watering and prevent erosion downhill.

Thanks to the amazing local seed dealers, we are able to do custom blends or grass mixes. These can include Pasture Grass, Clover, Wildflowers, Forrest Service, Idaho DOT blends, WSDOT Blends, and other seed mixes that may better suit a specific area. Site visits are available to discuss special blends and products!